Deep Space Discovery

Hi everyone, and welcome to DELving into RF! I’m your host, Del. I’d like to begin my blog series by introducing what types of activity you’ll see on this feed, and telling you a bit about myself! DELving into RF is designed to highlight exciting new discoveries in the RF field that XMA is involved in or excited about. This includes news from the quantum computing industry, discoveries from the space projects we’re involved with, RF industry updates, technical explanations, and the background behind some of our new inventions. We’re really excited to get this started for you, and I hope you’ll stay updated! A bit about me: my name is Del and I’m a Sales Engineer here at XMA specializing in the quantum computing and space industries. I have a physics degree from Colby College, where I fell in love with quantum mechanics! I am a New Hampshire native and I enjoy hiking the White Mountains, embroidering, wakeboarding, and skiing. I am a product expert here at XMA, and have had a lot of fun learning about our product specs and use cases. Now that we’re all on the same page, here’s our first fun story to share:

Today I want to share a recent discovery by NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS), which uses some of XMA’s space qualified components to operate and make new exoplanet discoveries. We are proud to be on this satellite, as its revelations about deep space systems lead us closer to understanding the origins of our own solar system. Check out this link to see more details on TESS’s most recent find: TESS, Spitzer Spot Potential Giant World Circling Tiny Star